We were so excited to move our studio to Vickery Village and were planning an open house for late March when the global pandemic hit. While struggling to survive in this new normal and find a way to safely connect with clients and potential new clients in our new location, we came across The Front Steps Project online: photographers documenting families in front of their homes while sheltering in place.
Stories, family history, and personal connections have always been an important part of Bryan’s custom art process. We feel that connecting, even from a safe and ‘social’ distance, will help us all deal with the extreme situation the world is experiencing right now and The Front Steps Project is an opportunity for families to make the most being together right now. It also allows Bryan and Blayne a chance to give back to their community in the best way they know how - through photography.
For a limited time, Vickery Village families are invited to become a part of history during Bryan White Photography + Art’s Front Steps Project in the beautiful Vickery Village Community. Bryan will come to your home and will use his long range lens to capture from a safe distance (at least 6’ away) a complimentary image of your family on the steps, porch, or in front of your home.
The sessions and images are free but we’re asking to please follow us on social (Instagram and Facebook) and think of us the next time you need custom artwork for your home or business. We also have a Digital Gift Card promo running in our new online STORE!
Select “Additional Poses” in the store for a clothes change or more candid options.
To sign up for your FREE session and image, visit our new online store and place an order for The Front Steps Project Session. Please read the additional information provided there. You may also choose to select the ‘Additional Poses’ option, which includes more than one location outside your home, as well as an additional quick clothes change. This would be a fun opportunity to get out the pj’s and showcase how your family is coping together, yet apart. At the moment, this promo is only available to Vickery Village residents, but may be expanded to other neighborhoods. If you are interested, please text us at 770-889-3202 or join our mailing list and we’ll let you know as things develop.
Don’t miss your chance to participate in this complimentary experience - sessions are limited and are first come, first serve. See session description for posing and clothing ideas. For more information, text or call 770-889-3202.